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What’s your story?

“I’ve spent my entire career learning about what audiences want from stories
and what audiences
do with the stories we tell them.”

My name is Dr. Christopher Bell, and I am a scholar, a teacher, a writer, a creative producer, a podcaster. For over twenty years, I have dedicated my life to the deep and intense study of storytelling. And now, I am bringing that two decades of popular cultural research and knowledge to directors, producers, writers and artists, and asking: What would it look like if we saw inclusion embedded - interwoven - into the very DNA of our stories themselves? What does it look like when inclusion in our stories is transformative instead of performative?

Let’s talk about Creative Inclusion.

The foundation of the unique service I bring to creative producing, writers’ rooms, character designs, world building sessions and internal screening processes is Creative Inclusion. It’s seeing the narrative value of a diverse world, and asking, “How do we use inclusion to help us tell better stories?”

A New Kind of Inclusion Experience.

I get it. We’ve all had experiences talking about diversity that were uncomfortable. Nobody likes to feel like they’re being shamed or having fingers pointed at them, especially about things they didn’t even know.

I’m not here to preach or to point fingers. My goal is to tell help you tell an amazing story that people will remember forever — ALL kinds of people. My goal is to help you tell a story that respects the life it will have beyond the boundaries of the theater or the book or the television episode or the video game, as it becomes a part of the cultural fabric of society.

Creative Inclusion is at the heart of how I can level up your storytelling.

  • The future of cinema is brave and unafraid to let go of the past.

    Ava DuVernay, Director

  • The future of cinema is unapologetically and brazenly inclusive.

    Effie T. Brown, Producer

  • The future of cinema is happening now.

    P.J. Raval, Director

clients include:

Creative Inclusion consultations include:

What can Creative Inclusion do for you?

Story Consultation

Discover the narrative story value of Creative Inclusion, from pitch to outline to development. Story development, writers’ rooms, character design, art review, and more!

Keynote Speaking

500 attendees or 5,000, Dr. Christopher Bell’s dynamic, engaging, and unique presentational abilities will leave your guests feeling both challenged and enlightened.

Powerful. Inspirational. Transformative.

Dr. Christopher Bell's unique style and delivery will change the way you think about yourself, about media, and about the world.